jeudi, janvier 24, 2013

I Don't Belong...

doing this was fun.
problem with digital painting is that i don't remember all the time how I do process...
take care.

Voice of the Soul...

here is the sky I did as a background for a concept stuff.
take care.

dimanche, janvier 20, 2013

A Minute's Piece...

a quick and small oil on board study.
actually a bad picture of it! ^^
take care.

mercredi, janvier 16, 2013

I'm But a Wave To...

here is a not so good picture of the last oil on board study.
take care.

samedi, janvier 12, 2013


Pazuzu - speed painting.
take care.

jeudi, janvier 10, 2013

Highway to Health...

a quick thing.
take care.

vendredi, janvier 04, 2013

A Shaman's Whisper...

stay frosty and take care.