Hi there!
I've been messing around with watercolors last night, strange sensation, I'm not used to have a real brush in my hand... (except while inking but it's ways different ^^')
I'll try to do more of these, I did not expect that it was this different from digital painting, I mean using watercolor is quite close from my usual ps painting method but the differences are mainly in the sensations, maybe because the painting is real, I can touch it... ^^ dunno...
so, there it is!
and thanks to all of you for the nice comments on the previous post!
take care.
7 commentaires:
Very good work,colors are impressive
Hiiii ! Le mec il fume sa lippe ?!
Sinon la gamine en bas à droite est adorable.
Well, it is not an style, just that i am very lazy and take too much....
I pretend to finish them or something....you know.
By the way, that you said with the colours and such....it happens the same to me!
I always use the wacom and when i try to get another thing it is like....discovering the changes between that and the tablet....
silly, hu?
hugs Anders!
( =_=)/
I really like those last works of yours. Watercolours really suit you right. They convey something deeper and warmer, maybe more personal and expressive. If you happen to do more, please show them!!!We want more!!!
Yes Dat iz raïght. I love ze liteul petite fille tou. Hat. ( chapeau quoi :) )
Alors cette aquarelle ?
Je viens de voir que je n'avais pas commenté celles ci alors que je les trouve très belles !
Surtout le parpagnasse avec le chapeau de paille ^^
Allez, prépares le sèche cheveux pour les prochaines et tu iras trèèèèèès vite ;)
Et moi j'en suis toujours aux monochromes, boooohh ^^
Super jolis contrastes, et fondus sexys .
La Watercolor te va très très très bien Anders .
D'ailleurs c'est marrant
Ils sont même pas morts , ni ensanglantés, pas le moindre oeil qui pend, ni la moindre pustule ... Serait-ce une magie produite par l'aquarelle sur le Anders ?
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