Hi there!
First of all, thanks a million for your appreciated comments and support for the last artworks!
So, here we have a strange composition of strange quickly done 'brainless' recent sketches, I'm in a kind of deep see monsters period, so...
Maybe I should try to correct and paint it...
I hope i'll find some time to do and post some inked cool stuff soon.
And as promised, the explanation for the last artwork. I was trying to do something "centered", and try new things while painting and it was like this sketches composition, just several elements mixed to give the illusion of some symbolic stuff hidden in it, there is no messages or stuffs in it, just the theory that, like we talked with Dio once, the less we understand what we see, the most we seem to like it. Let me know what do you think about this, I'll be curious to know your opinions.
take care.
a special french-mates ps: hey, mon pote Mishkin sort son premier album, allez y, c'est du tout bon, sincèrement!!! les yeux fermés que ça s'achète ce genre de friandises!! (et même que si vous cliquez sur l'image, je vous mâche le travail!)

13 commentaires:
Hihi, rigolos et riches comme tout tes p'tits croquis! Avec une préférence pour la dragonesque murène, of course... ^^
sous le lit, personne ne vous entendra crier...
I see Gandalf.
Moi je ne vois pas Gandalf mais Rob Zombie !
Très sympa effectivement.
Ah sinon le lien pour le BD ne renvoie pas sur la bonne page :p
Elle a l'air de déchirer, cette bd... Faudra que je zyeute ça la prochaine fois que j'irai "à la ville"! ^^
Greetings Anders1 How are you doing?
Good figures!
I wish success!
hi Anders. I've been thinking about what you're saying above, about being attracted to things we don't understand and so on. I suppose it's similar to the concept about hiding things in the shadows. It's like inviting the viewer to fill the dark spaces with their own imagination, to become part of the creation. keep on searching, you may find something...
Encore, encore !!!!
Coool drawings!
Hiiiii, Anders!!:***
I'm back!!!
back to see what a wonderful sketches you posted.
Your pencils are awesome!!
Take care, my friend, and i hope to be more present in your blog!!:)
Mille baci per te!!!:))
Wonderful recent job as always!!.. very inspirational..
Great sketches, love the movement!
great job on these as always man!
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