Hi there, here is Pinhead from Hellraiser, I did it a few days ago, as you can see, this is not a properly finished piece.
I'm still exploring, but I feel quite comfortable with this new tool.
Thanks a million again for all your nice comments!
Take care.
6 commentaires:
AHAH!! Ben la classe pour pas changer hein! C'est clair que Artrage te va comme un gant!!!
Continue comme ça j'ai la rétine qui frétille!!
dude, i love hellraizer stuff, not only the movies but the comics that came out in late 80's i think they are great, and your art is simply amazing and goes with the theme ;)
Wow, thats cool. Great work, very professional. And you say Artrage is good? Often heared, i think about trying. Greets
coucou le monsieur qui pique! ^^
C'est bien, te voilà à promouvoir l'acupuncture avec des dessins enfin apaisés !
Fantastic paintings!!
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