mercredi, octobre 29, 2008

Dangerous Curves...

the pet of the day! ^^

take care!

mercredi, octobre 22, 2008

The Shadowchamber...

A quick study...

thanks for your feedbacks on the birds below! ^^

lundi, octobre 20, 2008

Be Aggressive!...

Some hot chicks on my blog!
wouhou! ^^

I was simply wondering if anything could look menacing...
so, tell me...



and take care!

(sorry for the bad quality, blogger seems to have done something on the image that makes it this ugly... click here and it will be better, I guess...)

jeudi, octobre 16, 2008

mardi, octobre 14, 2008

Tough Enough...

Sketches of the day...

(Emmanuel, my answer to your upcoming question is: "no!" ahahah! ^^)

take care!