samedi, décembre 27, 2008

Ever Opening Flower...

Some pencil and inks studies, from one to 30 minutes long I guess...
take care!

jeudi, décembre 18, 2008

Out Of Touch...

the speed painting of the day!
a kind of private joke/tribute to the best living master I know!

thanks a million again for your so good comments!
take care!

ps: click click click click, at least he's got a blog! ^^

mardi, décembre 09, 2008

The Eagle Nature...

Hi Folks!

thanks a million for the previous comments!!

a new piece in which I tried several new stuffs.
hope you'll like it! (special thanks to a lot of people for this one! ^^')

take care!

lundi, novembre 17, 2008

Meeting of the Spirits...

'The Cloudkeeper.'

mercredi, novembre 12, 2008

Prayer Of Hatred...

Color sketch of the day. I kind of like it, maybe I'll finish it someday...

and a teaser for something coming soon!

thank you all for your previous comments!

mercredi, novembre 05, 2008

My Electricity...

gzzz't gzzz't gzzz't!!! ^^

mardi, novembre 04, 2008


work in progress.
take care.

mercredi, octobre 29, 2008

Dangerous Curves...

the pet of the day! ^^

take care!

mercredi, octobre 22, 2008

The Shadowchamber...

A quick study...

thanks for your feedbacks on the birds below! ^^

lundi, octobre 20, 2008

Be Aggressive!...

Some hot chicks on my blog!
wouhou! ^^

I was simply wondering if anything could look menacing...
so, tell me...



and take care!

(sorry for the bad quality, blogger seems to have done something on the image that makes it this ugly... click here and it will be better, I guess...)

jeudi, octobre 16, 2008

mardi, octobre 14, 2008

Tough Enough...

Sketches of the day...

(Emmanuel, my answer to your upcoming question is: "no!" ahahah! ^^)

take care!

jeudi, septembre 25, 2008

Zombie Ritual...

Waow! Something published! ^^

(in the RPG Mag "Les Carnets de l'Assemblée", thanks guys!)

jeudi, septembre 18, 2008

Flattening of Emotions...

Hi there!
Here are my very first acrylic paintings!
amazing to see how exciting this is, I thought it was a kind of torture, but not at all, a real bunch of fun.
I'm sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, I'm currently unable to scan the pieces.
More to come soon (I hope! ^^)
thanks a million for your support and take care!

mardi, septembre 09, 2008

The Beautiful Wound...

Still miles away from what I want/try to obtain with my pieces, maybe too ambitious for this one, it drives me crazy sometimes...
if you have any advices, don't hesitate! ^^

mardi, septembre 02, 2008

And the circus leaves town...

... sometimes, I take some pics...
(I love where I live!^^)

vendredi, août 22, 2008

The Earth Is My Witness...

speed paintings of the day!
probably unconsciously influenced by 'the sound of perseverance" cover art for the first one and the second consciously by the book drawn by the buddy Thim (click on the cover for more informations!^^).
And I know I know... it's always the same thing, kind of portraits of something scary... I can't help it... sorry... ^^
thanks for your permanent support!

jeudi, août 14, 2008

Darkzone Anthems...

sketches on shitpaper ^^
sorry for the bad quality...

+ an extra bonus quick painting of the biggest one!

mardi, août 12, 2008

When The Link Becomes Missing...

another speed painting, for fun, mixing different tools.
take care!

ps for Miss M. : I'm slowly changing my palette! \o/

samedi, août 09, 2008

Ad Astra...

hop! the friday night quickie!!

samedi, juillet 26, 2008

End Comes Easy...

hop! the last recreation!
thanks to all for your feedbacks about the tortoise below!
and take care.

dimanche, juillet 20, 2008



samedi, juillet 19, 2008

The Thing That Should Not Be...

Another creature...
I start to feel happy with the painting...
thank you all for your previous and encouraging comments!
take care.

jeudi, juillet 17, 2008


Just like my computer, I almost do a bug a day... ^^
So, if you like cockroaches (don't say no, you DO like them!! ^^), I highly recommend to you the movie "Joe's appartment", a real bunch of fun and extravaganza!

and, by the way, thanks to you all for your previous comments!

mardi, juillet 15, 2008

Absinth Minded...

here is a little one!!
hope you'll like it!

thank you and take care!

samedi, juillet 12, 2008

Torn Between Dimensions...

Morning speedie... something like 15 minutes...
More soon!
thanks to all and take care!

jeudi, juillet 03, 2008

Something Wild...

Back in the PS business!

here is a quick sketch of where I live...
(actually, this is a header for a website, some Malicorne sounds and a couple of hours later...)

thanks once again for your previous comments and take care.

mardi, juillet 01, 2008

Dreamlore Degenerate...

Hi all!
just messing around with watercolors, nothing really interesting but this makes me laugh a lot, a kind of stupid improvised work in progress... (sorry for the bad quality of the picture, I'll scan it properly while finished)
thanks a lot for your constant comments and support and take care!

mardi, juin 17, 2008


Hop hop hop!!
daily warm-up!! (suprised by how fast this was, more or less one hour...)
Kind of tribute to Juan Gimenez, a great master, great influence, and lots of escaping hours! ^^

lundi, juin 16, 2008

World to Come...

Hi all!!!

Back! At least!
Here is a detail of an illustration I've done for a magasine, I'll show the whole piece just after publication!
Thanks a million again for all your comment and support and take care! ^^

lundi, mai 26, 2008

The Dividing Line...

At least!
Beauties in Black part 2!!
Thank you all for your kind and motivating previous comments!
Take care.

samedi, mai 10, 2008

Brief Encounter...

here is maybe the beginning of something about "beauties in black"...
This one was done today, as a warm-up (it explains the simplicity of the composition), but I feel so good with this tool, it's like I can't stop using it 'til I'm happy with my picture...
dunno if I'm clear... ^^'
Anyway, thanks again to all of you for your comments and take care!

jeudi, mai 08, 2008

Halo of Thorns...

Hi there, here is Pinhead from Hellraiser, I did it a few days ago, as you can see, this is not a properly finished piece.
I'm still exploring, but I feel quite comfortable with this new tool.
Thanks a million again for all your nice comments!
Take care.

jeudi, mai 01, 2008

Without Judgement What Will We Do?...

Another AR exercise...
I'm not at all in that kind of superheroes stuff, but Magneto seems to be an interesting and complex character.
The blades were quickly done at the end of the drawing to make it a little more narrative.
And thanks again for all your comments and support, take care!

samedi, avril 26, 2008

Two To Tango....

Currently discovering Artrage...

jeudi, avril 24, 2008

The Lunatic Fringe...

here is a something like 20 minutes inking recreation.

take care!

vendredi, avril 18, 2008

Secret Face...

a little quick thing done a few days ago, just to let you know that I'm still alive! ^^
I dig that kind of "not so relax" faces.
some better and cooler things soon!
thanks a lot for your comments and support!
take care.

mercredi, avril 02, 2008

I See... I See Monsters...

Hi there!
First of all, thanks a million for your appreciated comments and support for the last artworks!

So, here we have a strange composition of strange quickly done 'brainless' recent sketches, I'm in a kind of deep see monsters period, so...
Maybe I should try to correct and paint it...
I hope i'll find some time to do and post some inked cool stuff soon.

And as promised, the explanation for the last artwork. I was trying to do something "centered", and try new things while painting and it was like this sketches composition, just several elements mixed to give the illusion of some symbolic stuff hidden in it, there is no messages or stuffs in it, just the theory that, like we talked with Dio once, the less we understand what we see, the most we seem to like it. Let me know what do you think about this, I'll be curious to know your opinions.

take care.

a special french-mates ps: hey, mon pote Mishkin sort son premier album, allez y, c'est du tout bon, sincèrement!!! les yeux fermés que ça s'achète ce genre de friandises!! (et même que si vous cliquez sur l'image, je vous mâche le travail!)

lundi, mars 17, 2008

Sublime Dementia...

Hi all,
a little experimental thing...
I'll explain soon...
I'm not so happy with the ribbons.
Advices welcome!

take care my friends!

Peter :> this is just another exercise

mardi, mars 11, 2008

I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth...

here is another quickie,
'a capella into formalin...',
kind of...

jeudi, mars 06, 2008


back with a brand new painted doodle!
"party time! release the clowns!"

skull master ---> here!

thanks a million for your previous comments again!
take care.

vendredi, février 29, 2008

Soul Groove...

Hi all!
sorry for the lack of updates but I'm currently extreeeeeemely busy.... (but it's ok! ^^), no real time to draw, so, some insignificant speed-pantings (from 5 minutes to 1 hour...) done recently, and for once, I start to be happy with my clouds!
take care my friends!

Edit: I add this coloured doodle also quickly painted.

ps: my good fellas Sat and B. have some exhibitions in Paris, so if you're somewhere around, their respective works deserve a look! (feel free to click on the images below to check out their websites)